24 September 2008


Who is Sushmita sen..??

Sushmita... Now for those of you who have just stumbled onto this site and are trying to find out who Sushmita is then SHAME ON YOU! How can you not know of Miss Universe 1994? The first South-East Asian Miss Universe. And now one of the big names in Bollywood? Bollywhat I hear you shout...Bollywood - the answer to Hollywood in India. But let me start at the very beginning.
Sushmita Sen, a bong, was born in Hyderabad and then moved to Delhi early on (so now you know why she has such a fabulous Urdu dialect). She was born on the 19th of November, 1975 (and co-incidentally her numbers are the numbers of power and success - she was clearly destined). She was a complete tomboy and used to hang out with her school DADAS (which is like the head of the gang) and she accidentally fell into modeling. And thank God she did.